Your WorkplacE
Do you have wellness and employee assistance programs that go unused each year while health care costs per member per month continue to rise?
We have helped companies lower their monthly medical expense costs per member by 19% while increasing wellness program engagement by 31% and program participation by 13% at the same time. We can show you how, coach you in using tools to begin making changes THIS quarter, and support you along the way.
A 2018 Deloitte Insights article sums up the importance of focusing on workplace well-being this way:
“Well-being is becoming a core responsibility of good corporate citizenship and a critical performance strategy to drive employee engagement, organizational energy, and productivity. It is also a growing expectation among the talent companies most want to recruit, access, and retain. No longer an optional or narrowly focused element of the rewards menu, well-being is now front and center as a business imperative for leading, high-performance companies.”
Book your FREE strategy session to learn how your company can develop a health and well-being plan to attract and retain workers and increase productivity while also saving healthcare dollars at the same time.

Bringing mental well-being and improved physical health in the workplace to life
Workplace Wellness Culture Development Coaching Program
Your company culture has everything to do with employee retention, and we can show you how, provide you with the tools you need to begin making changes THIS quarter, and coach you along the way.
We use our decades of experience to help you develop a success strategy that helps leaders IGNITE a people-centered workplace that provides measurable results that:
attracting top-level talent
retaining an existing trained workforce
improving employee health and well-being
saving money
All at the same time.
How is that possible?
By creating a well-being-focused company culture using lifestyle as medicine solutions instead of simply providing wellness and employee assistance programs that aren't being used.
Our personalized consulting and coaching will strategically guide company leaders down the path of creating a well-being-centered culture change to IGNITE:
Personal health and well-being
A vibrant workplace
Inspired and productive employees​
The results?
Lower accident rates and enhanced workplace safety.
Improved operating costs.
Reduced liability exposure.
Increased trust and loyalty.
Raised employee satisfaction and productivity.
Diversity attraction.
Increased employee retention.
Lower healthcare claims.
Set up a FREE strategy session TODAY to learn how to get more from the wellness and EAP programs you already provide by creating a people-centered workplace well-being culture.