The Mindful Me Journey
A 40-Day Guided Journal Toward a Healthier Relationship with Food and Exercise

Helping you develop a healthier relationship with food and exercise.
a self-reflection journaling program designed to help you explore four facets of eating while increasing your understanding of your behaviors, emotional reactions, and impulses surrounding food and exercise.

Break Free From
Body Image Obsession

Cycles of Chronic Dieting

Disordered eating and
unhealthy habits

With The Mindful Me Journey you’ll learn how to:
Identify your eating and exercise behaviors
Discover emotional triggers and how they influence your food and exercise choices
Develop tools that separate your emotions from your actions
Find the keys that help you live a nourishing and active lifestyle
Break free from food and exercise obsession so you can focus on the most important areas of your life
And much more!

Are you ready to finally develop a positive relationship with food and exercise?
Discover how with this intuitive eating mindfulness workbook.
Diet culture pervades our society and floods our minds with mixed messages regarding food and exercise. Is it any wonder we struggle to properly care for our bodies?
Whether you want to break free from body image obsession, chronic dieting, disordered eating, or other unhealthy habits, this self-guided food and exercise journal will teach you how to develop a healthier relationship with food and exercise through mindfulness practices that use a non-diet, intuitive eating approach.
The Mindful Me Journey was an Amazon #1 new release in 2019 that has now reached international distribution.
This is not simply a book to read. It’s a book to implement to achieve lasting change in a key area of life that impacts us every single day.
If you’re ready to transform your misguided food and exercise habits into healthy and life; whining choices, then this is the guide for you.
Grab your copy of The Mindful Me Journey to ignite the change within and begin your journey toward health, wholeness, and happiness toAre!
What Readers Are Saying:
★★★★★ “If you are interested in tackling your eating and exercise battles once and for all, this is the program for you!”
★★★★★ “As a Registered Dietitian, I would utilize this journaling program with a variety of individuals who have difficulty changing their health habits to maximize well-being.”
★★★★★ “An extremely helpful tool for those who would like to get at the root of their disordered eating.”
★★★★★ “A program that fits all sizes because it takes into account your specific behavior challenges and obstacles. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a customized approach to becoming a healthier you!”
Buy The Mindful Me Journey today to begin your transformative lifestyle of wellness!

Learn how using the four phases of The Mindful Me Journey journaling tool can help you discover what you are doing with food and why so you can begin to become more mindful about your eating, nourishing, and activity practices.

Unsure if diet culture has caused you to develop food or exercise issues you should investigate further?
Answer these questions and find out.
Do you regularly obsess about food, weight, appearance, or exercise?
Do you get on the scale and feel good or bad, depending on the number?
Do you refuse to eat certain foods? Has that list become more and more restrictive?
Do you eliminate entire categories of food from your diet (no carbs, no sugar, etc)?
Do you talk frequently about feeling fat or overweight?
Do you hide food or eat in secret?
Do you fixate on the quality of the food you eat?
Do you have inflexible eating patterns?
If you take insulin, do you find it difficult to do so sometimes? Do you ever purposely skip an injection?
Do you link your self-esteem with adherence to a certain regimen?
Do you uncontrollably consume large amounts of food and then feel guilt or shame?
Do you continue eating even after you are full?
Do you hate what you see when you look in a mirror?
Do you become anxious, angry, or feel guilty when you miss a scheduled workout?
Do you spend a lot of time planning meals?
Do you closely track how many calories you burn while working out?
Do you consume food rapidly, eating until you are uncomfortably full?
Do you get argumentative or defensive when someone questions how much you exercise or how you eat?
Do you have food rituals? (e.g., eating foods in certain orders, excessive chewing, rearranging food on a plate)
Do you avoid mealtimes or situations involving food?
Do you eat alone because of being embarrassed by how much you eat?
Do you exercise rigidly—despite weather, fatigue, illness, or injury?
Did you answer “yes” to a couple of these questions? If so, you will benefit from taking a closer look at food and activity thoughts, feelings, habits, and behaviors by using "The Mindful Me Journey" journaling program.
Did you answer "yes" to several of these questions? If so, consider working one-on-one in a coaching intensive to increase your awareness encompassing your food and body mindset and behaviors and learn concrete steps to apply what you discover using targeted tools and strategies with unlimited support.